
Monday, January 31, 2011


Nothing is going according to plan…
Israel is tired and irritable.
Moses is unsure and insecure.
The only thing working out is Pharaoh’s consistent and solid, “No” echoing throughout all of Egypt.

And it’s in this moment that Moses asks a simple question… “Why did you ever send me?” He can’t help but wonder, “Why me, God?” “Why here?” “Why like this?” “Why?” Moses might have been intimidated, he might not have been eloquent, and he may not have wanted to play the role… But he fit the part perfectly. Moses was taken away as a baby, but grew up as a Prince of Egypt. He killed a man and ran, but along the way found a family and learned to lead by tending a flock of sheep. His whole life God had been preparing him for this moment. God was bringing His chosen nation out of Egypt. He was taking another step towards the salvation of His people, and He was using Moses to do it… But Moses was blind. He couldn’t see who God had made him to be. The very thing Moses questioned the most, was the very thing he was created for… And still he couldn’t see.

But, maybe you don’t have to see. Maybe the unseen is what becomes the most clearly seen in the end. All I know is that God is at work in, through, and all around me… Maybe it’s just that I can’t see it.

Moriah Thomason (Aim, South Africa 09)

Monday, January 17, 2011

Animaimers Meet Taco-Man


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Monday, January 10, 2011

God Helps, Even At My Breaking Point

Every Christian knows that God will always help. It is one of those things that I was taught in Bible school and tell others when they are facing trials. Do I really believe that it is true? It is easy to say God is helping his people when I am comfortable or when I get what I want. It is also easy to say God has abandoned me when I feel alone, useless, or to the point of burnout. Is God at my side when I feel like I cannot move forward in my work, when things are moving backwards, and I am ready to throw in the towel? It is hard for me to say, but God is helping me even when I am at the breaking point.

Take a look at God and the Israelites. When leading them into the Promise Land, God was with them step by step. In Exodus 23 God begins to tell the Israelites of their guardian angel. God tells them that He will destroy nations and continually bless His nation. Then in verse 29 He puts a time table on the fulfillment of His short term plan. God states the it will take more than a year because He does not want the land to be desolate and the wild animals to kill the Israelites. In verse 30 God puts His plan into simple words, “little by little.” I have no doubt that God could solve all problems in seconds but He knows the supreme benefits of “little by little.” When God tells the people this they have already been through so much and are still waiting for the final victory. What if when I feel burnout God knows that He cannot just give me the victory because of the negative repercussions? What if God actually knows what is best for me? I forget sometimes that God is omniscient and my mind can only understand so much. God has historically and infallibly held to His promises and His help is part of the Christian promise. God is with me through every hard time even when I cannot see the next step on my journey of faith.

Ryan Jarboe (Aim, Italy 09)