Israel is tired and irritable.
Moses is unsure and insecure.
The only thing working out is Pharaoh’s consistent and solid, “No” echoing throughout all of Egypt.
And it’s in this moment that Moses asks a simple question… “Why did you ever send me?” He can’t help but wonder, “Why me, God?” “Why here?” “Why like this?” “Why?” Moses might have been intimidated, he might not have been eloquent, and he may not have wanted to play the role… But he fit the part perfectly. Moses was taken away as a baby, but grew up as a Prince of Egypt. He killed a man and ran, but along the way found a family and learned to lead by tending a flock of sheep. His whole life God had been preparing him for this moment. God was bringing His chosen nation out of Egypt. He was taking another step towards the salvation of His people, and He was using Moses to do it… But Moses was blind. He couldn’t see who God had made him to be. The very thing Moses questioned the most, was the very thing he was created for… And still he couldn’t see.
But, maybe you don’t have to see. Maybe the unseen is what becomes the most clearly seen in the end. All I know is that God is at work in, through, and all around me… Maybe it’s just that I can’t see it.
Moriah Thomason (Aim, South Africa 09)

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