So something strange happened to me the other day. Well, I say strange but it sure didn’t seem that way at the time. Until I was talking with good friend of mine and he asked me if I thought it was a coincidence that we were talking at that very moment over that specific subject. My answer of course was no. I personally don’t believe in things like luck or coincidence no matter how important the matter (ex: running into a friend or finding $10 in your jacket pocket). I believe there is only God and the mysterious (or not so mysterious) ways and people through whom/which He works to make everything according to His perfect will.
The “strange” thing that happened that I mentioned really wasn’t that strange. Through a series of circumstances my finances happened to be a little lower this month than the norm. So, when my friends decided to head to the movies I decided to not. I could have easily headed back home from where we were but I decided in going to a friend’s (an elder in the church) house nearby and visit. This man is quite wise. And, it happened that we eventually sat in his living room talking and ended up on the subject of our work here in León. And, as I mentioned earlier, he asked me the question over coincidence. This made me think back as to what happened throughout my day, week, month, and last years that have lead up to the very conversation we were having in his living room.
Now you might be thinking that this was a little deep. But, think back in your life and where you are now and what you are doing and think about all of the events that lead up to it. A lot of things had to come through for you to be where you are and I guarantee you that it can’t be a dead, lifeless, thing like luck, but a very alive and loving God. This is your story, and it is very unique to you and you alone. You cannot have the same story as another. Trust me too that you don’t want to. God is constantly preparing you for what you are about to encounter in the next 5 minutes or the next 5 years. So this AIM program, the death of a loved one, or the spare cash you found in your jacket pocket is all preparation for your unique story and future. And, in the end, He is preparing you to be more like Christ, because He loves you that much. Just as an old friend once told me, “Your whole life has lead up to this one moment.” So stay in the path of God and don’t rely on your own plans like is says in James 4:13, because we are “a mist that appears for a little while then vanishes.” (James 4:14 NIV) But we are to trust in the Lord's will.
“I am telling you your story…. I tell no one any story but his own.” –Aslan, The Horse and His Boy, The Chronicles of Narnia.
- Nick Flesher (Aim, Mexico 09)

(read more of Nick's blog articles here)